Meet Harold
Harold Eckman
Harolds love for guns started with hunting. He formally hunted for deer rabbit, and squirrel. He started his collection with a Mossberg 12-gauge shotgun. He decided that he would like to have a handgun, so he went to his local gun shop where he found a Ruger SR9, which he liked. He worked with a friend who also loved guns. His friend offered to take him shooting and give him some pointers. This is how Harold learned to shoot his new gun. As an added bonus, he also got to shoot a variety of guns that day and loved it.
Harold decided to take a Concealed Handgun License course so that he could carry his gun all the time. While at a local home and sports show, he found out about Surprise Break Firearms Training and called to sign up for a concealed carry class. he passed and got his license. He decided that he needed further firearms training. He went on to take many advanced classes through Surprise Break. He also trained with Mad Duck Training, and Handgun Combatives LLC.
He is currently an instructor for Surprise Break, and helps out on the range with our courses. He is also the subject of many inside jokes within the company, but is a vital component to our team.
Surpise Break Firearms Training - Arcanum, Ohio
• NRA Basic Pistol Course (CCW)
• Advanced Pistol Skills
• NRA Personal Protection in Home Course
• Low Light Pistol Course
• Defensive Rifle Course
• Defensive Shotgun Course
• NRA Defensive Pistol Course
• NRA Range Safety Officer Course
• NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home
• Defensive Rifle II
• SAFTD F.A.S.T. Carbine
• SAFTD Defensive Shotgun I
• SAFTD Defensive Carbine I
• SAFTD F.A.S.T. Shotgun
• SAFTD Defensive Handgun ll
• SAFTD Defensive Handgun I
• SAFTD Range Officer
• SAFTD Methods of Instruction
• SAFTD Defensive Handgun I Instructor
Mad Duck Training - West Elkton, Ohio
• Dynamic Trauma Training
Handgun Combatives
• Combative Pistol
• Adaptive Combative Pistol